But if #1 is any indication, I don't think X-Men is likely to fail. The art was quite good - outstanding in places - and the story managed to hit all the right notes without making any of the common issue 1 blunders. The origin of the threat is set up efficiently, in only 2 pages. The characters are introduced as they need to be, in the amount of detail they need to be. The story starts out in media res rather than getting bogged down by telling the origin of each character, and bits of the history and surrounding world - including other characters - are mentioned without feeling the need to explain everything. I can't be 100% certain, but I'm pretty confident that someone with no exposure to the X-Men - or whose exposure comes only from the movies - could pick this up as their entry point to the X-Men comics and, even though they wouldn't understand everything, wouldn't be so bewildered as to stop them from coming back for issue #2.
So if you don't have it already, head out to your local comics shop (you do have a local comics shop, don't you?) and pick up X-Men #1. You'll be glad you did.
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